Brothers: Family Friday Personal Post

If you live in Kernersville, I hope you’ve gotten out to enjoy the nice weather we’ve had before the rain rolls in.  I took the boys out for a little walk to soak in some sun.  It’s the first time I’ve gotten to play with the 135L that I bought last fall then it was promptly too cold for me to go outside and break it in.

Among 250+ shots of the boys fighting, pushing, playing in the mud, picking up sticks, giving me the “put the camera down” look, and general silliness that is children, I got this one keeper.  They found it hilarious to squeeze each other then roll in the grass.  They really are the best of friends and it always makes me happy to see them playing together without of them ending in tears.

I’m thinking I might print this one as a canvas for our new home.  It think a canvas texture would add a perfect artistic touch.

How do you feel about canvas prints?  Love it or hate it?

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. LOVE IT! I personally LOVE canvases. If I could afford it, I would decorate my whole entire house with them. I think this would make a wonderful canvas.

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