NC Photographer: Colors of Summer

I recently joined a blog circle for military spouse photographers.  It’s pretty neat how you can start with any photog in the group and travel from blog to blog and see the way they interpret the theme.  Everyone’s photos are different yet connected through a common theme.  You get a glimpse into the life and mind of each photographer.

This month, our theme is “Colors of Summer.”  I originally was going to post these images and call it a day:

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But besides the fact that they are shirtless, it doesn’t scream summer to me.

Then we went to Lake Belton for a little camping and I realized THESE are the colors of our summers.  The bold-colored tacky swim trunks, their skin growing ever more tan like their daddy’s, the redness of bug bites from spending late evenings outside, the white goo of roasted marshmallows sticking to every inch of their hands and face (I still don’t know how Corvin managed to get it on the back of his neck).  Those are the colors of summer that I’ll remember.  The wildflowers and sunsets are pretty but none will take me back to this summer.  Our first summer in Texas when my oldest was finally growing in one of his adult teeth and my youngest is just beginning to become independent in the water.  The summer we had a whole month of leave to spend together as a family and could go for days without seeing anyone but each other.  These are the colors of Summer 2012.

Up next in the Military Spouse Photographer’s blog circle is Jackie Clinton of Wind Inspired.  Check out her blog for the colors of her summer.

Katie Smith prides herself on providing exceptional quality photography to the families and couples near Pittsboro, NC.
She loves floating on her back with her eyes closed, listening to the hum of the water in her ears.
When not behind her Canon 5d, she’s probably behind her iPhone trying to capture her sons’ silliness using Instagram.
Find me on Facebook or shoot me an email.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. I love the line, we could go days without seeing anyone but each other…I can so relate to that. The depth in your images really pulls me in.

  2. The smores shots are so, so great – I can feel them squishing and oozing right out of my screen.

  3. I love this! We’ll be moving to TX in two months… where is this lake at?? I love the photos. I can picture each of them as if they were a memory of my own. 🙂

  4. It’s Westcliff Park on Belton Lake about 20 minutes from Killeen. BLORA, the Fort Hood recreation park, is on the same lake.

  5. These are great! I especially love the s’mores shots!

  6. Nothing says summer more to me than a good ol sticky smore! Lovely images! Just lovely!

  7. Your depth of field is amazing! Fantastic interpretation, I love the smores shots. Totally summer to me!

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